For the last two years, I've been using this blog as a periodic dumping place for random news stories and causes I happen to come across. This past year I've been blogging about my experiences as a student missionary in Tanzania on another blog, Writing to Serve. The year before, my Creative Writing professor required his students to make a new blog specifically for creative writing. Throughout the school year, our assignment was to blog at least three sentences every day of the semester. I used that blog, Creative Endeavour, primarily to document my daily life throughout my senior year of university.
So for two years this blog as been put on the back burner. But now that I'm finished university and back from Tanzania I need to start using my original blog again. I'm sure the poor little thing has been feeling terribly lonely and I certainly don't want to continue ignoring it. So enjoy the new posts on here. I'll try to keep it more updated than it has been in a long, long time. Meanwhile, I'll do my best to post periodic creative pieces on Creative Endeavour whenever I have the chance, or the inspiration.
So for two years this blog as been put on the back burner. But now that I'm finished university and back from Tanzania I need to start using my original blog again. I'm sure the poor little thing has been feeling terribly lonely and I certainly don't want to continue ignoring it. So enjoy the new posts on here. I'll try to keep it more updated than it has been in a long, long time. Meanwhile, I'll do my best to post periodic creative pieces on Creative Endeavour whenever I have the chance, or the inspiration.