Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Lest We Forget

Since I left for college, every year at this time I wish I was at home. I'm not homesick (although I do long to see my beloved mountains again and to enjoy some real cold weather), I simply miss celebrating Remembrance Day. In Canada, Nov. 11 is a federal holiday and, until college interfered, I always attended the annual Remembrance Day ceremony. Now, residing in the States during the school year, I've realized that I really miss Remembrance Day. Down here it seems like nobody cares about the significance of Nov. 11. Veteran's Day sales seem to have become more important than using the day to remember those who lost their lives. So this year, instead of being home and going to the Remembrance Day ceremony at Kelowna's City Park, I'll do the same thing that I've done since Nov. 2003...get out my red poppy lapel pin and wear it on my backpack for the next week. It's the least I can do to honour the soldiers who fought and died for my country.

Remembrance Day related news stories:
Fallen Soldier Vigil
Poppy stickers
Poppy Man
CBC News In Depth: Remembrance Day

1 comment:

  1. your tribute is special too... wearing a poppy on your backpack all week.
    thanks for sharing this.
