Tuesday, January 13, 2015

My wish...

Today marks one year since my Grandma took her last breath and went to sleep until Jesus comes. In some ways it has seemed like a long year, but in other ways it has really flown by.

If I could have one wish, it wouldn't be to have the opportunity to tell Grandma I loved her more often or to have spent more time with her or anything like that. She knew how much I loved her, and I knew how much she loved me. We repeated that to each other over and over again whenever we talked during the last few months and weeks before she died. Also, we probably spent more time together than most grandmothers and granddaughters do. I grew up only a few streets from her house. It was my second home during my childhood and teen years, and I always visited her and my Grandpa every time I was able to be back in my hometown. I had nearly 29 years of her in my life, which is more than many can say.

No, the thing I would wish for is that I could have had the privilege of being able to tell my Grandma that I am pregnant. Or even better, that I could have been able to see her hold and love my child. That I could have had one of those generation photos taken with her, my Mum, me, and my baby all together. That my children could have met her, gotten to know her, love her, and be loved by her.

I don't have that chance anymore, at least not in this world. But I absolutely cannot wait to find her again at the second coming and introduce my kids to her, to enjoy the prospect of them getting to know each other for all of eternity.

"Even so, come, Lord Jesus." (Rev. 22:20b)


  1. oh, ali.
    i know you would have loved to talk to Grama the other night when you called Grampa.
    it would have been precious to share the news with her cause she would have been so happy for you and jonathan.
    one day...
    your Bible verse is so fitting.
    thanks for writing this and posting it today.
    love you.

  2. Very lovely... beautiful thoughts.

  3. Such a wonderful post Ali...it made me cry:( She was the greatest grandma a grandchild could have ever asked for. I'm so glad for the assurance that we'll be able to see her again in heaven. And I'm so glad that Grandpa will be able to meet your little one! You can still have a "4 generations" picture, but with Grandpa instead:)

    1. nice to have an underestanding sister
      glad to read your comment too.
