Pictures from the Red Bud 5 (and sisters) weekend trip to Savannah, GA on Jan. 17 & 18. Credit for all the pictures goes to Bryn Q. She enjoys taking pictures much, much more than I do, so she's the main photographer and does a marvelous job.
Bonaventure Cemetery
Old stairway at the River Front
This squirrel didn't move the entire time we were watching it
Kristina, me, Kim & Hillary by a Vietnam Memorial
Talmadge Memorial Bridge linking GA and S.C.
After about 20 minutes of attempting to find the right road to cross the bridge, we finally managed to get on it and drove across so Hillary could be in S.C. Kim took pictures of Hillary by the Welcome sign and then we drove back over to Savannah.
By some ivy on Bull St. (the street with all the city squares)
Fountain at the largest city square on Bull St.
One of the Savannah College of Art & Design buildings
The 3-storey SCAD book store (with towers of real books!)
Chocolate mousse tower from Lulu's Chocolate Bar
My sister-in-law told us about this yummy chocolate place. Our GPS first led us to the Savannah ghetto, but eventually we found the right place and got to eat our chocolate!
After eating the chocolate mousse at Lulu's Chocolate Bar
After this, we left for Southern, but made one quick stop at Parker's gas station to find out what chewy ice was. (We had seen billboard ads for chewy ice on the drive down and all over Savannah and were curious about this new product. It turned out to be small cubes of ice with more air in them to make them "chewier"...not all that amazing, but at least now we know.)
nice pics...oh ya, they're all mine! haha, but im glad you like them enough to use them:)