Thursday, January 24, 2013

Bible Verse 4

This past week I was wondering how to best find really good, meaningful verses to memorize if I can't come up with any on my own. I decided to type 'good verses to memorize' into Google and see what it came up with. The search results found lots of sites to give me some help, and while browsing the top two sites I found more verses than I'll be able to memorize throughout the year. So, on weeks when a verse doesn't just come to me, I'll look at those sites and find a verse to memorize. That's how I found my fourth verse.

"Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee." ~ Psalm 119:11 KJV

I love this verse, especially in the context of 52 Weeks 52 Verses, because that's the essence of why I'm doing this challenge. I want to hide God's word in my heart so I can recall the verses I need to remember when I'm in trying circumstances. So that instead of looking verses up in my Bible or relying on tools like concordances or online Bibles I can recall them straight from my heart. And, most importantly, so that I can grow closer to God each day!

Picked from What Christians Want to

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